Thursday, February 22, 2007

Dogfooding MD

Good progress lately on Gtk#. Got the toggle ref updates into svn, in addition to the Gtk.Object destruction rework. I did a lot of testing on the patch in MonoDevelop, Banshee, F-spot, and some toy apps of mine to feel more confident about such a fundamental change to ref management in the binding.

Having gone through the exercise of building bleeding edge versions of all those apps to test them against bleeding edge Gtk#, I decided it would be good to continue dogfooding like this regularly. I plan to pull the trunk sources of MD, Banshee, and F-spot once a week and run them against Gtk# trunk from now on.

Dogfooding Banshee and F-spot is a simple thing, since I use both applications regularly. MonoDevelop has been something I've only goofed around with every now and then, though. To create a nice dogfooding opportunity I decided to convert my little fitness log application to a MonoDevelop project so I can hack on it in MonoDevelop for an hour or two each week. I wrote a wiki page on my experience of converting the subversion-based autotools project to an MD project. It required surprisingly little manual effort thanks to the nice toys Lluis and folks have been building into MD lately.


visor said...

When can we expect a "stable" version of monodevelop?

I dont mean to be disrespectful but i just would love to see a version that can at least compete with SharpDevelop since i use linux but i also develop C# on my daily job.

A version that fully supports GTK# in designer mode and a source version control system would be really great.

Lluis said...

We are working right now towards a stable 1.0 MonoDevelop release, which should happen in the following months. MD already has a gtk# designer and version control system integration. If you already tried it and found too many limitations, it would be great to get feedback and bug reports from you so we can improve it.