All track, lap, and run data is importing correctly into the exert sqlite database, at least as far as I can tell from some sql querying. The visible entries are coming in cleanly and displayed properly, but there may still be some glitches in the lap summary and GPS track point data.
Here's a rather boring screenshot of the end result.

Current support is limited to the ForeRunner 305, but it should be easy enough to add other devices if people are interested. I just didn't feel like implementing the entire protocol up front.
The code is on svn at sourceforge. I will probably hold off on a release until I can display more of the data visually. I want to add heart rate graphs, route maps, and lap tables. Maybe next hack week...
1 comment:
Awesome, I just bought my wife a 305 for Valentine's Day. Can't wait to try this out. This is the only Hack Week project she's been remotely interested in. :-)
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